Marzocco Trophy 2019

On Wednesday 1 May the XXVI Trophy of the Marzocco Trophy will be held starting at 3.30 pm in Piazza della Signoria, a flag-waver competition organized by the Bandierai degli Uffizi.
The groups invited this year to participate are the “Musici e Sbandieratori Città di Bucchianico”, the “Sbandieratori Giove” and the” Sbandieratori Città di Narni”.


foto di Mauro Sani

Italian Basketball Final Cup 2019


On Sunday, February 17, the Bandierai degli Uffizi  performed at the Mandela Forum on the occasion of the Italian Basketball Cup Final won by Vanoli Cremona who had the best of Happy Home Brindisi.
The group’s collaboration with the Lega Basket continues, and it is in fact the second consecutive year that the Bandierai degli Uffizi perform in the interval of the Final.

photographs of Luigi Canu – Ag. Ciamillo-Castoria – LBA

Twinning with Carbium flag-wavers

On Sunday 3 March, on the occasion of the 46th anniversary of the birth of the Uffizi Flag group, the twinning with the group of Carbium flag-wavers from Calvi dell’Umbria will be officially announced.
Starting from 3.00 pm the two groups will parade through the streets of the city center and perform together in Piazza della Signoria.
The twinning comes after years of friendship between the two groups during which the Calvi group has performed in Florence for both the Marzocco Trophy and the Marzocchino Trophy, while the Bandierai have been guests in Calvi for the tenth anniversary celebrations of the Umbrian group.

Happy Holidays

… to those who are excited in front of the red lily in the white field, to all lovers of Florence, to all fans of Flags, to all those who believe in their own history …

We wish, Happy, Happy Holidays!

with Skill, Spirit and Tradition … towards a 2018 still full of successes and performances!

i Bandierai degli Uffizi


Florentine historic football 2018

Saturday, June 9th and Sunday 10th will be the two semi-finals of the 2018 edition of the Calcio Storico Fiorentino.

The first match will see the Azzurri of Santa Croce and Rossi of Santa Maria Novella in the field, while the second match will be played between the Verdi di San Giovanni and the Bianchi di Santo Spirito The final, as every year, will be held on June 24th.

The “Bandierai degli Uffizi” will perform before each game.


Scoppio del carro – Easter Day

Sunday, April 1st, Easter Day, will take place as usual every year, the traditional Scoppio del Carro.

The explosion of the cart is a folklore event that takes place on Easter Sunday in Florence. The Brindellone, a pyrotechnical tower positioned on a cart, is pulled by a pair of oxen through the streets of the historic center of Florence and positioned between the baptistery and the cathedral.

The Bandierai degli Uffizi will always be present together with all the other groups of the Procession of the Florentine Republic.


i Bandierai degli Uffizi

45 years of tradition

Happy birthday Bandierai!


On March 2, 1973, the Bandierai degli Uffizi were born as an integral part of the historical procession of the Florentine Republic and the traditional game of Florentine Historical Football.

The only group able to represent the city of Florence by virtue of the punctual historical meaning of their signs and their customs. For Florence and for the Florentines, they are a traditional presence in many events as well as in the usual game of Historical Soccer, but in their curricula they can count many world-class events.

Among the most important international events we remember the performance at the Columbus Day celebrations in America, the opening of the World Soccer Championships in Spain, Mexico, France and Italy, where they held up the name of Florence and Tuscany. The historical group finds its temporal collocation in the XVI century and from this period all the costumes, the flags and the insignia of the principal Magistrature and Offices of the Florentine Republic are drawn.

All the participants in the Bandierai degli Uffizi, as well as being driven by strong motivations for maintaining a historical culture of the city of Florence, are also driven by athletic and sporting motivations.

The flag-wavers and tambourines of the Bandierai degli Uffizi , besides the pride of being part of this group, represent historically and exclusively the Calcio Storico Fiorentino and the City of Florence. In order to guarantee this continuity over time the Bandierai have always paid great attention to the generational turnover and to the nursery of young members of the group. Children from 6 years old can take part in courses to be part of the flag-bearers and tambourines. As a reward for their efforts, for some years, the small Bandierai have been shown before the exhibition of the group adults during the games of Calcio Storico Fiorentino.

The Bandierai degli Uffizi perform in the streets of the city of Florence during the traditional Florentine festivals such as the Cavalcata dei Magi for the Epiphany, the Scoppio del Carro at Easter or the Festa di Santa Reparata on 8 October, San Lorenzo, San Zanobi and Sant’Anna as well as the feast of the patron saint San Giovanni and all the starting points of the Calcio Storico. To these must be added the Trophy of Marzocco on May 1, which is one of the most important flag-waving races nationwide.

Stay connected to know what events and initiatives will be.

45 anni di tradizione

Match of the siege

bdu-partita-dellassedioLike every February 17 from 2010 to today, in Florence is commemorated the football match that in 1530 was played while the city of Florence was besieged by the Imperial troops of Charles V. The historic challenge, proof of the pride of the Florentines and birth certificate of the tradition of historical football, it is recalled with the old glories of the calcianti that descend on the field in Piazza Santa Croce. The Exhibition of the Uffizi Flag is the prelude to the actual game.

Here the program

Bandierai degli Uffizi

Ride of the Magi


Saturday, January 6, in the afternoon of the day dedicated to the Epiphany, an event takes place that traces a “Florentine Festival” of ancient tradition – the “Cavalcata dei Magi”. The “Magi” on horseback are preceded by the Historic Procession of the Florentine Republic carrying the Gonfalone and by the Uffizi. Waiting for the parade of the host groups, the Uffizi Bandierai will entertain the public with their flag games.

Program of the event

i Bandierai degli Uffizi