Bandierai at the Debrecen Flower Carnival 2024

Last August, the Bandierai degli Uffizi had the honor of once again representing Italy at the Debrecen Flower Carnival, one of Hungary’s most important and spectacular events. Two years after our previous participation, our group was invited back to take part in this extraordinary festival, which transforms the city into an open-air stage for two weeks with parades, performances, and concerts.

The Florentine delegation, consisting of 48 members, had the opportunity to perform on multiple occasions in the days leading up to the grand final parade. In addition to performances in the heart of Debrecen, the Bandierai also brought the colors and traditions of Florence to nearby towns, receiving warm applause and heartfelt appreciation from the Hungarian audience.

The day of the final parade was an unforgettable experience. In front of an audience of over 350,000 people and with live television coverage on Hungary’s national channel, our group marched through the city’s main streets, cheered on by the enthusiastic shouts of children lining the barricades. Every flag throw was met with applause and exclamations of wonder, a clear sign that our art captivates and amazes even beyond Italy’s borders.

The emotions were even stronger as we passed through the city’s outskirts, where the parade wound its way through avenues revealing a reality far removed from the grandeur of the city center. The local people, leaning out of the windows of dormitory buildings or gathered along the route, conveyed a genuine warmth, reciprocating the energy of our performance with deep emotion. Particularly touching were the spontaneous hugs from children, who eagerly waited by the roadside with eyes full of wonder to greet us up close.

To crown this extraordinary experience, we received an official thank you from the organizing committee and had the honor of meeting Debrecen’s Mayor, László Papp, confirming the city’s interest and appreciation for our group. A tangible sign of our impact was the unexpected yet remarkable discovery of magnets and mugs featuring images from our previous participation at the Flower Carnival in a local souvenir shop—a heartfelt recognition of the mark our performance left on the city.

Our participation in the Debrecen Flower Carnival 2023 was yet another confirmation of the cultural and artistic value of the Bandierai degli Uffizi. Bringing the Florentine tradition abroad and receiving such a warm welcome fills us with pride and motivates us to continue sharing our art with the world.

We extend our gratitude to the organizers for the invitation, the Hungarian audience for their heartfelt affection, and everyone who made this incredible experience possible. Debrecen and its Flower Carnival will always hold a special place in our hearts!

Bandierai degli Uffizi

The Spring Tour of the Bandierai degli Uffizi: A Celebration of Florentine Traditions in America

The Spring Tour of the Bandierai degli Uffizi saw nine members engaged in performances during the semifinals of the Calcio Storico Fiorentino 2024.

First Stop: Springfield, Massachusetts

The Bandierai performed their first show in Springfield, Massachusetts, in front of the Italian community, at the historic former arsenal building.

The event was attended by Honorary Consul Paul Picknelly, the Consul General of Boston and the President of the Italian Cultural Center of Western Massachusetts Charles Becker.

The historic atmosphere of the Arsenal added solemnity to the performance.

More info here

Second Stop: Boston, Massachusetts

In Boston, the Bandierai performed at Northeastern University to celebrate the 78th anniversary of the Italian Republic, organized by the Boston Consulate.

The next day, we performed at Boston’s old port, a historic site where the statue of Columbus once stood.

Third Stop: Rose Tree Park, Philadelphia

At Rose Tree Park, Philadelphia, the Bandierai participated in the Italian-American Heritage Festival. The large audience participation made the event exciting.

Fourth Stop: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

The final stop took place in Philadelphia, during the ceremony for the 60th anniversary of the twinning between Florence and Philadelphia. Consul Cristiana Mele was present.

The execution of the national anthems and a performance in front of City Hall concluded the tour splendidly.

The 2024 Spring Tour of the Bandierai degli Uffizi was a great success. We thank the Italian communities, the Consulates, and the local organizers for the warm welcome.

Our journey concluded with gratitude towards everyone and with enthusiasm for future engagements, continuing to spread Florentine traditions around the world.

Italian Week in Avignon – FRANCE

The Flag-Throwers of the Uffizi performed in Avignon during the inaugural ceremony of ‘Bella Italia en Avignon.’ Thanks to the Italian Cultural Institute in Marseille and the Italian Chamber of Commerce in France for making our presence possible.

Virágkarnevál 2022 – Hungary

Great success for the Bandierai degli Uffizi in Florence on the occasion of the 53rd edition of Debrecen Veràgkarneval, one of the most important events in all of Hungary.

Three days of performances culminating in the great parade on August 20, the Hungarian national holiday, where about 400 thousand people admired the 10 floral floats and a huge procession made up of almost two thousand figures and artists from all over the world.

The Bandierai degli Uffizi marched together with a large representation of the Historical Parade of the Florentine Republic accompanied by the president of Calcio Storico Michele Pierguidi.

The flag wavers’ performances were met with incredible enthusiasm by the Hungarian public.

(Italiano) Raccolta Fondi per le strutture ospedaliere cittadine

Sorry, this entry is only available in Italiano.

Astiludio 2019

“The 2019 edition of the Astiludio is won by the Bandierai of the Uffizi in Florence”

These are the last words of the jurors before concluding the magnificent event with the celebrations.

Sunday, September 1, 2019 in the beautiful Piazza dei Priori of Volterra, took place the prestigious return of flag-wavers organized by the hosts, flag-wavers of the city of Volterra, with the flag-wavers of the bear of Pistoia and the Bandierai of the Uffizi in Florence.

The trophy has already been in the Florentine medals in the years 84, 85 and 2000.


(Italiano) 96° Pitti Immagine Uomo

The “Bandierai degli Uffizi” divided into two parades to meet in the center of the Ponte Vecchio covered with a gold leaf, during the opening ceremony of the 96th PITTI IMMAGINE UOMO … unique show!

Calcio Storico 2019

Tradition has it that on Easter day, before the Scoppio del Carro, the draw is made for the matching of the matches between the 4 districts of Florence of the tournament of the Calcio Storico Fiorentino

This is the result of the 2019 draw held in Piazza Duomo.

Saturday, June 15, Rossi-Verdi dissatisfied

on Sunday 16 June Bianchi-Azzurri will meet

Immagine di Lulu Costel Dorneanu
Immagine di Lulu Costel Dorneanu

The final, as usual, will take place on June 24, the feast day of the patron saint of Florence, San Giovanni Battista.

The Bandierai of the Uffizi, will accompany the procession of the Florentine Republic through the streets of the city between the squares of Santa Maria Novella arriving in Piazza Santa Croce, place of the starting of the Florentine Historical Football and will perform on the “sabbione” (sand) before each event .

Kronplatz – Brunico 2019

Saturday 30 March performance of the Bandierai degli Uffizi in some of the most beautiful places in South Tyrol, the Kronplatz.
For the first time in history, a historic Florentine soccer match will be played at 2275 m.s.l.m. of the Plan of Corones.
In the morning, together with the whole procession of the Florentine Republic, a parade through the center of Brunico.