Tag: 깃발을 던지다
Flag wavers, Flag throwers, Flag tossing
The flag wavers, flag throwers, flag tossing, if you prefer, are a fundamental element of the historical tradition and Florentine traditions.
In Florence, the Bandierai degli Uffizi, the Florence flag-wavers and official flag-throwers of the City of Florence, are a historical group that has played an important role for many decades.

With their games of flags and the roll of the drums, the Bandierai degli Uffizi accompany every year, on the occasion of the matches of the Calcio Storico Fiorentino, the procession of the Florentine Republic on the streets of the city.
the Clacio Storico Fiorentino is the historical Florentine re-enactment of a game played on February 15, 1530 in Piazza Santa Croce in Florence.
Many tourists and citizens of Florence cheer their performances until they arrive in the Piazza di Santa Croce in Florence.
Before the start of the matches that see each other competing in two semi-finals, the districts of the city of Florence, and before the traditional final on June 24, the day of the city’s patron saint San Giovanni Battista, the flag-wavers of Florence perform on the sand field which will then see on the field the two teams that will compete to win the Vitella, the prize for the winning district.

Flags in the sky to the sound of drums, trumpets blaring and flag wavers running to the center of the pitch to perform a unique flag performance every year.
Do you also want to experience a unique emotion?
You can choose whether to come to Florence as tourists or hire the flag-wavers of Florence, the Bandierai degli Uffizi, for your event.
The flag wavers, flag throwers, flag tossing, if you prefer, are a fundamental element of the historical tradition and Florentine traditions.
In Florence, the Bandierai degli Uffizi, the flag-wavers of the city of Florence and official flag-wavers of the Metropolitan city of Florence, are a historical group that has played an important role for many decades.

With their games of flags and the roll of the drums, the Bandierai degli Uffizi accompany every year, on the occasion of the matches of the Calcio Storico Fiorentino, the historical Florentine re-enactment of a game played on February 15, 1530 in Piazza Santa Croce in Florence, the procession of the Florentine Republic on the streets of the city.
Many tourists and citizens of Florence cheer their performances until they arrive in the Piazza di Santa Croce in Florence.
Before the start of the matches that see each other competing in two semi-finals, the districts of the city of Florence, and before the traditional final on June 24, the day of the city’s patron saint San Giovanni Battista, the flag-wavers of Florence perform on the sand field which will then see on the field the two teams that will compete to win the Vitella, the prize for the winning district. Flags in the sky to the sound of drums, trumpets blaring and flag wavers running to the center of the pitch to perform a unique flag performance every year.
Do you also want to experience a unique emotion?
You can choose whether to come to Florence as tourists or hire flag-throwers of Florence, the Bandierai degli Uffizi, for your event.
Hire flag wavers of florence today
KOR – 깃발을 던지다
Bandierai degli Uffizi는 피렌체의 공식 기수단이다.
웅장한 박물관과 기념물들이 즐비한 피렌체는 르네상스의 본고장이자 예술가들의 발상지이다.
피렌체 공식 기수단은 45년이 넘게 전 세계를 다니며 2천여 건의 공연을 펼쳤다.
기수단의 깃발에는 붉은 백합 문양이 그려져 있으며 고대 전통 예술 대한 열정이 담겨 있다.
피렌체 기수단은 16세기 피렌체 공화국의 주요 사법 기관과 관청들을 상징하며 피렌체 연구에 있어서 역사적 참고 자료가 된다.
즉, 기수단 중 유일하게 피렌체를 상징하는 역사적 의미가 담긴 의상과 휘장을 착용하기 때문이다.
또한, 피렌체 기수단은 현대 축구의 모태가 된 피렌체 전통 축구 경기 행사에 일원으로 참여한다.
대열의 맨 앞쪽, 세디치 곤 팔로니에레(16인으로 구성, 피렌체의 치안과 보안업무 관장)의 깃발(흰 바탕에 붉은 백합 문양)측면에 있는
지휘관은 기수들이 드럼의 리듬에 맞춰서 행렬을 하도록 주도한다. 피렌체 공식 기수단은 정확한 안무에 맞춰 깃발 던지기 묘기를 선보인다.
피렌체를 대표하는 것이 우리의 유일한 임무이다. 피렌체의 전통과 역사에 대한 존중과 열정을 바탕으로 한다.
피오렌차 만세, 피렌체 기수단 만세!!