Category: News
Half a century for Florence
The wait is over and the first event of the year has finally begun.
The cutting of the ribbon carried out by Mayor Dario Nardella in the presence of the President of the Tuscany Region Eugenio Giani, the President of the City Council Luca Milani, the President of Calcio Storico Michele Pierguidi and the Director of the Parade of the Florentine Republic Filippo Giovannelli, was preceded by a performance of the Bandierai.
In fact, the “Bandierai degli Uffizi” exhibition was inaugurated on Saturday 18 February, created by the 3 curators appointed by the group: Massimo Marmugi, Claudio Manes Mariani and Gian-Luca Pasquini, who worked under the watchful wing of Captain Antonio Marrone to create a multi-dimensional project.
The first dimension is that of the meticulous reconstruction of the history of the group through a photographic repertoire chosen by the curators, accompanied year by year by historical events of the time.
The second dimension is the exhibition one with the possibility of admiring and even touching some instruments. There is the first drum from 1960 and the first flag from 1973. There are the clothes and a selection of prizes and awards obtained by the group in 50 years.
The third dimension is the multimedia one. Indeed, on the niches of the Sala d’Arme of Palazzo Vecchio are reproduced some contemporary and period videos, recent and black and white photos.
All inside a minisite for the exhibition HERE
In short, it is worth going to see the Bandierai exhibition!

I Bandierai degli Uffizi
Here is the 50th anniversary celebratory logo
Here we go, the countdown is over.
Here is the celebratory logo that we created for the 50th anniversary of the birth of the group.
This logo will accompany all the events of 2023.
But let’s start from the beginning. Who made it? one of our Junior flag-wavers who is studying at the Liceo Artistico in Florence, Cosimo Casciarri.
He was asked to highlight the figures of the group and to tell Florence through its main monuments.

I Bandierai degli Uffizi
47th Anniversary Gala NIAF Washington DC
The Bandierai degli Uffizi represented the Region of Honor 2023, Tuscany, at the 47th NIAF Gala in Washington DC in October 2022.
NAIF is the largest and most important Italian American Foundation in the United States.
So at a gala dinner with over 800 guests, our boys performed in front of an attentive and excited audience for having witnessed a historical, cultural and folkloristic tradition of our country.
Also present was the President of the Tuscany Region Eugenio Giani, who paid homage to the organizers with a reproduction of the statue of the Marzocco that the Bandierai degli Uffizi had brought to thank the president of the NIAF, Robert Allegrini.
Bandierai degli Uffizi
Virágkarnevál 2022 – Hungary
Great success for the Bandierai degli Uffizi in Florence on the occasion of the 53rd edition of Debrecen Veràgkarneval, one of the most important events in all of Hungary.
Three days of performances culminating in the great parade on August 20, the Hungarian national holiday, where about 400 thousand people admired the 10 floral floats and a huge procession made up of almost two thousand figures and artists from all over the world.
The Bandierai degli Uffizi marched together with a large representation of the Historical Parade of the Florentine Republic accompanied by the president of Calcio Storico Michele Pierguidi.
The flag wavers’ performances were met with incredible enthusiasm by the Hungarian public.
(Italiano) First Unesco anniversary for Vichy
The Bandierai degli Uffizi will be present with their flags, drums and trumpets, on the weekend of 24 July 2022, in Vichy in France in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region.
The occasion is to celebrate the first anniversary of the inscription in the UNESCO world heritage list of the main Spa towns.
The Bandierai will perform along a path that will wind through the main streets of the town and in the squares, from the morning to the evening of July 24, in the presence of the city authorities and the Mayor of Montecatini Terme.
Official news: Official news:
Bandierai degli Uffizi
(Italiano) Trofeo Marzocco 2022
Italian culture week 2021
We are delighted to announce that the “Bandierai degli Uffizi” will perform at the Palazzo dei Papi in Avignon on 6 October on the occasion of the inauguration of the week of Italian culture in the French city.
After 2 years where, due to the pandemic, it was not possible to perform abroad, we return to take our traditions around the world, and we do it in a splendid city rich in history.
Formula-E Roma 2021
A small representation of our group, in compliance with the AntiCovid regulations, performed at the weekend that saw the Formula E circus go on stage in Rome for the double Italian stage of the world championship of electric cars.
Another important and unique event that we had the pleasure of participating in even in such a difficult period.

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Bandierai degli Uffizi