KOR – 깃발을 던지다

Bandierai degli Uffizi

Bandierai degli Uffizi는 피렌체의 공식 기수단이다.

웅장한 박물관과 기념물들이 즐비한 피렌체는 르네상스의 본고장이자 예술가들의 발상지이다.

피렌체 공식 기수단은 45년이 넘게 전 세계를 다니며 2천여 건의 공연을 펼쳤다.

기수단의 깃발에는 붉은 백합 문양이 그려져 있으며 고대 전통 예술 대한 열정이 담겨 있다.

피렌체 기수단은 16세기 피렌체 공화국의 주요 사법 기관과 관청들을 상징하며 피렌체 연구에 있어서 역사적 참고 자료가 된다.

기수단 중 유일하게 피렌체를 상징하는 역사적 의미가 담긴 의상과 휘장을 착용하기 때문이다.

또한피렌체 기수단은 현대 축구의 모태가 된 피렌체 전통 축구 경기 행사에 일원으로 참여한다.

대열의 맨 앞쪽세디치 곤 팔로니에레(16인으로 구성피렌체의 치안과 보안업무 관장)의 깃발(흰 바탕에 붉은 백합 문양)측면에 있는

지휘관은 기수들이 드럼의 리듬에 맞춰서 행렬을 하도록 주도한다피렌체 공식 기수단은 정확한 안무에 맞춰 깃발 던지기 묘기를 선보인다.

피렌체를 대표하는 것이 우리의 유일한 임무이다피렌체의 전통과 역사에 대한 존중과 열정을 바탕으로 한다.

피오렌차 만세피렌체 기수단 만세!!


45 years of tradition

Happy birthday Bandierai!


On March 2, 1973, the Bandierai degli Uffizi were born as an integral part of the historical procession of the Florentine Republic and the traditional game of Florentine Historical Football.

The only group able to represent the city of Florence by virtue of the punctual historical meaning of their signs and their customs. For Florence and for the Florentines, they are a traditional presence in many events as well as in the usual game of Historical Soccer, but in their curricula they can count many world-class events.

Among the most important international events we remember the performance at the Columbus Day celebrations in America, the opening of the World Soccer Championships in Spain, Mexico, France and Italy, where they held up the name of Florence and Tuscany. The historical group finds its temporal collocation in the XVI century and from this period all the costumes, the flags and the insignia of the principal Magistrature and Offices of the Florentine Republic are drawn.

All the participants in the Bandierai degli Uffizi, as well as being driven by strong motivations for maintaining a historical culture of the city of Florence, are also driven by athletic and sporting motivations.

The flag-wavers and tambourines of the Bandierai degli Uffizi , besides the pride of being part of this group, represent historically and exclusively the Calcio Storico Fiorentino and the City of Florence. In order to guarantee this continuity over time the Bandierai have always paid great attention to the generational turnover and to the nursery of young members of the group. Children from 6 years old can take part in courses to be part of the flag-bearers and tambourines. As a reward for their efforts, for some years, the small Bandierai have been shown before the exhibition of the group adults during the games of Calcio Storico Fiorentino.

The Bandierai degli Uffizi perform in the streets of the city of Florence during the traditional Florentine festivals such as the Cavalcata dei Magi for the Epiphany, the Scoppio del Carro at Easter or the Festa di Santa Reparata on 8 October, San Lorenzo, San Zanobi and Sant’Anna as well as the feast of the patron saint San Giovanni and all the starting points of the Calcio Storico. To these must be added the Trophy of Marzocco on May 1, which is one of the most important flag-waving races nationwide.

Stay connected to know what events and initiatives will be.

45 anni di tradizione

FRA – lanceurs de drapeaux italiens

Contacts” href=”https://www.bandieraidegliuffizi.it/contatti/”>Contactez-nous

lanceurs de drapeaux italiens
lanceurs de drapeaux italiens

Les jongleurs de drapeaux des Uffizi sont les lanceurs de drapeaux officiels de Florence.

Florence, le berceau de la Renaissance, la patrie des artistes, le siège des musées et monuments magnifiques a à son côté les drapeaux des jongleurs de drapeaux des Uffizi qui depuis

45 ans d’activité avec environ 2000 sorties partout dans le monde, portent avec eux le fleur de lis rouge et la passion pour la tradition d’un art ancien.

Notre groupe a une référence analytique précise dans l’histoire de la ville et représente les Magistratures principales et les Offices qui existaient dans la République florentine au XVIe siècle.

C’est le seul groupe qui représente Florence pour la signification historique précise des costumes

et des insignes, le groupe des jongleurs de drapeaux des Uffizi est partie intégrante du

“calcio” historique florentin, le jeu traditionnel de la ville de Florence qui, au mois de Février 1538, a donné naissance au “football” moderne.

De haut de sa figure militaire, le Capitaine est flanqué de l’étendard (qui porte le fleur de lis rouge sur écu à champ blanc) et de magistratures (les porte-drapeaux avec les bannières de seize magistratures) et il incite ses lanceurs de drapeaux à le suivre en marche suivant le roulement de tambours.

Ceux-ci sont les figures principales de notre groupe et ensuite il y a les lanceurs de drapeaux qui se produisent dans des jeux de drapeaux selon des choregraphies précises et suivant l’art du maniement des drapeaux de l’école florentine.

Représenter Florence constitue, pour chacun de nous, un engagement unique dans son genre.

Un engagement fait de passion, de respect pour les traditions, pour l’histoire de notre ville.

Vive Fiorenza !

Vive les jongleurs de drapeaux des Uffizi!


Match of the siege

bdu-partita-dellassedioLike every February 17 from 2010 to today, in Florence is commemorated the football match that in 1530 was played while the city of Florence was besieged by the Imperial troops of Charles V. The historic challenge, proof of the pride of the Florentines and birth certificate of the tradition of historical football, it is recalled with the old glories of the calcianti that descend on the field in Piazza Santa Croce. The Exhibition of the Uffizi Flag is the prelude to the actual game.

Here the program

Bandierai degli Uffizi